Study estimates 14 million smoking is attributed to major medical conditions in US

Adults in the United States suffered from approximately 14 million major medical conditions attributable to smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ and organ system in the body. The authors of the study used data from the U.S. Census Bureau in 2009, National … Read more

Caffeine doses may cause issues combined with energy drinks and other high-caffeine food and beverages

The amount of caffeine in diet supplements varies widely and product labels are often inaccurate or have no caffeine information at all, according to a new study of supplements sold on military bases. Although the caffeine doses probably wouldn’t be a problem on their own, they may cause issues when the pills or powders are … Read more

Dry eyes, fatigue or frequent headaches may be warning signs that you have Computer Vision Syndrome

For over 50% of the American workforce, sitting in front of our computers is not only a part of our daily routine, it is an economic necessity. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), the most frequent health complaints among computer workers are vision-related. Studies indicate that 50 to 90 percent of computer users suffer … Read more

Study claims that Bottled Water is No Safer Than Tap Water

Bottled water is the world’s fastest growing beverage, but consumers would be better served by simply turning on the tap, asserts an environmental group. Bottlers of water generally capitalize on consumer concerns about municipal water supplies, creating demand for their product via an association with pristine environs. Some bottled waters, however, differ from tap water … Read more